Monday, August 23, 2010


Finally, ninth grade, three weeks in and life is GREAT!. . .HAHA yeah right I'm so not that lucky. Three weeks in, and already rumors are going around about me being a lesbo, and I already like many different guys, three of which might actually like me back, there's Noah Green, Alec Cwener, and Austin I dont know his last name. And let's not forget no one is forgetting about my first kiss, oh yeah I didn't tell you did I? Well over the summer I kissed none other than Brandon Fontana, wonderful right??? NO! I lost everything because of it and just recently got everything back GRR High school sux

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Almost There

Hey life's great right now I don't really have a crush on anybody so I'm extremely happy about that. I am almost out of the eighth grade an I'm really really happy about that too. I cannot wait I'm going to be a high school student and I'm going to be great. I get to go to all of the football games because I'm on the Color Guard team. I plan on going on a diet this summer. I'm going to go to the gym three days a week and I'm going to excercise on the weekend for two hours a day. If your wondering why I'm doing this it's because I've been to the high school and there are so many hot guys. Well I will write a weekly schedule every Sunday starting tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Great Day ♥♥

Today was great for many reasons.

1.) Taylor my totally cute crush LIKES me!
2.) I'm asking him to the eighth grade dance!
3.) He is going to be my first date! (if he says yes)
4.) I'm going to have my first slow dance. (if he says yes)
5.) I did great on the science test.
6.) I had lots and lots of fun at Color Guard.

Yes it was a wonderful day and I can't wait until tomorrow to see what happens at bowling and school. Well I hope life is great.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm Sorry. But I don't like you.

Have you ever thought someone liked you and found out it wasn't true? Well I have, his name is Taylor and I really like him, like a lot. We had pretty much flirting with each other for about two weeks and I thought he liked me and so did my best friend Kyleigh. But then on Friday I got his number so I could text him and we were texting after school and he was talking about grades and he did better than me and he said It could be worse. And then he explained that everyone thought he was a freak because he lets his feelings get in the way of his thinking. Adn then he told me that he wrote his ode to a girl that he liked and she hated him. And then he told me he likes another girl now and she hates him but its like he doesn't see I don't hate him and we're perfect for each other. I just wish he could see I have feelings for him.

Any ways the guys I like are:

Matthew Taylor

I again like Matthew because whenever I think about him I smile and he is soooo ah-dorable.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Going Great (Sort Of)

Hey long time no type to :P well life's going great (almost) but I do have some problems. Such as, my best friend moved to Lake Side and my other friend Catherine is moving to Ireland, and my other best friend Brandi might move to Oregon that's all the bad stuff. As for the good stuff happening in my life, I'm through with Paige, I have two guys crushing on me and they are both ah-dorable but I really like one of them, I also have a trip coming up (I'm going to Europe), and that's it I think. Well update on my crushes, first the guys I really like:


Yes they are both my bowling partners (hehehehe :P) the guys I kind of like are :


That's all I have liked Chandler for three years now and I still kind of I guess do like him not super like him he's just kind of cute. Well I have nothing more to say except I am sick and I didn't have to go to school because of it.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Everyone Knows Me But You

Hey so yesterday was AWESOME!!!!!! I think Henry (my bowling partner) likes me he was totally flirting with me and I liked it he's adorable and different and sweet and he is like the perfect guy but anyways he was playing 'footsies' with me and he was playing around with me and I really like him so now I like:


I don't like Geordy anymore the 'magic' or whatever is so gone and I just can't see him with me and I started liking Spencer again and his Aunt is my bowling coach so it's pretty cool and she like loves me!!!! I'm sad right now 'cause my BFFL is moving to Lakeside well techniquley she might not but she is my BEST friend since sixth grade and no one besides Monica has been a better friend than her she knows me like she knows everything about me EVERYthing. I will soooo miss her if she does go but I will def text her everyday non-stop I love her like a sister and a wife I know weird but I have six wives so yeah its funny. I miss my other best friend she is soooo cool and funny and she had the most adorable blonde hair it was like shoulder length and really pretty and she had perfect bangs and she dressed really like different but in a way that was adoarable and I miss her like so much she also knew everything about me and she knew a lot like she knew about when I liked this guy named Matt Taylor and I called him my husband and stuff but then I stopped liking him and I started liking Chandler my ex crush for two years until last summer came along and then I guess I was away from him that I stopped liking him and swear I thought I was in love with him but everyone knew that even my friend from Anaheim we went on a cruise together and we are now e-mail pals. I miss the cruise I wish I could have moved all of my friends from that cruise and everyone from my school and my school and then go to school on the boat and just go to school with everyone that would be so awesome it would be a blast of course I can't forget that I would also want Henry and Spencer on the boat so I would have some 'eye candy' as my mom or someone else would call it but whatevs I have to go that is all for today stay tuned.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Execution Crushes

Today was pretty cool. I found 20 dollars in my new pants that I got from my cousin (I know I'm so lucky). School was great. Then bowling came, Paige switched teams (TG) and the whole Spencer thing. . .DONE (FINALLY) I know it didn't take me long to get over him, but I just htink he is a better guy for Paige whether she liked him or not. I don't need the drama of liking him in my life right now I have way to much already. So I don't think I told you this but I asked out Geordy obv. he said no or I would be boasting so much he said he wants to be friends his exact words were "I don't want to say yes, but I don't want to mean it in a harmful way, we can still be friends" I got a little pissed and sad so I started tearing up but I stopped myself from crying. I figured he isn't worth the tears I might like him but I refuse to cry for any guy from this point on it makes it more painful when you cry. So I gave him a Valentine and he said thank you and that has been all we have said to each other since then. I still like him but not quite as much. I have decided I don't like Preston so now I like:


I mean I like other guys but I don't really like like them they are cute and all but nothing special well except for Brandon but he is a WAY different story I have liked him since I was 9 and have never stopped since he is like my friend/crush he is so awesome and he is the sweetest!!!!!!!!! But he kind of confused me because I was texting him and he was all like "Who would I be cute with?" and of course I said "Me and my friend Haley and Morgan. Who would I look cute with?" and he said "Like seven of my friends." and I was like "What do they look like?" and he said "Well one of them looks like me to a T" and so I got a little confused because that meant he thought I would be cute with him but he doesn't like me it sucks balls because I'm still confused about whether he likes me or not well he is kind of confusing by himself. So I have decided to end the fact thing because it just isn't working out :P. I will try to come up with some stuff maybe sometimes but not everytime. bye bye.
